August 13, 2019
bushman lives: wow
Dear Daniel,
I just finished Bushman Lives!. I liked the ending. That book is dynamite. The terrible art person way to say it would be the book is “successful”, I think. I’ve been reading your books since I was small and Lizard Music had a particular effect on my development. So it is with great pleasure and joy that I encountered Bushman Lives!.
I am also studying the Diamond Sutra right now, and I have begun to notice that working through a lot of your books as a kid and youth prepared me on a certain level for that kind of study. Thanks for writing a whole lot of great books that also serve as fine if somewhat abstract volumes of moral and artistic instruction.
Daniel replies:
I sort of like Bushman Lives myself. Thanks for mentioning it. It didn't receive a lot of attention. The Diamond Sutra was always a little more than I was able to handle. I like the Heart Sutra, the one that goes gate gate paragate parasamgate bodhi svaha.