
There are 7 entries in this Category.

Happy birthday, Daniel!

Wishing you a fantastic year ahead!

Happy birthday, Daniel!

Devil in the Drain

In case you needed a little devilry in your day, here’s a recording of Daniel reading the out-of-print and widely-banned DEVIL IN THE DRAIN.


DP on This American Life, reading Devil in the Drain

Happy birthday, Daniel!

Wishing you many more years of good books and good times!

A special message from Daniel Pinkwaterpinkwater.com.analhpv.ca/podcast/podcast.php?showid=456

New “Fish Whistle” e-book – free for a limited time!

fw-dp4From Daniel’s agent, Jennifer Laughran:

Daniel Pinkwater’s FISH WHISTLE is back in a new e-edition. Feel free to click over and “like” it… and even buy a copy if you are so inclined. It is chock full of short essays on a variety of topics, from traveling in Africa (and eating the world’s hottest chili pepper!), to raising dogs (or having them raise you…). They are short and fun and sure to amuse. And hey: $2.99, not too shabby!

Fish Whistle on Amazon.com

Happy birthday, Daniel Pinkwater

We’re very happy to celebrate Daniel’s 71st birthday! Here are some birthday greetings from fans and readers: Continue Reading