Anna O'Connell

June 15, 2019

Thank You

Dear Mr. Pinkwater, 

I’m writing to express my thanks. In high school, a weird kid I knew recommended Five Novels, and recognizing that I, too was a weird kid with overlapping taste, I took his advice and purchased a copy for myself. Fifteen years have elapsed, and it’s still such a pleasure when that pale yellow spine calls to me from my bookshelf, and I dive back in. Such a beckoning occurred earlier this week, and I’ve been toting that big ol’ hunk o’ delight around in my bag to read on my commute. I’m a graphic designer and illustrator, and mow through podcasts and audiobooks ravenously. While at work today I wisely used an Audible credit to buy The Snarkout Boys and the Baconburg Horror and am happily listening to it as I work. Thank you for bringing deliciously rich stories into my life over the course of many years. Their sense of style, humor and creativity always knock my socks off and have brought me so much joy.


Daniel replies:

Thank you for being an appreciative reader. I wonder if Audible will ever pay me one cent of royalties. You know, there's a ton of stuff you can download for free right here on this very website. If you feel moved to donate money, it will be applied to worthy causes like parakeet rehab or toupees for Republicans, if not, you are welcome just the same.