
November 19, 1998

Post #773 – 19981119

I asked you a while ago what “The Wuggie Norple Story” was, and you told me to look for it. I requested it through the library, and I read it yesterday. It was pretty good. The ending was perfect. Did making up the names take a lot of effort? When you do a picture book with a different illustrator (different from you, I mean), do you get to tell him or her what to draw, or does he or she just run rampant? Does getting a series of questions bother you?


Daniel replies:

Answering a bunch of questions doesn't bother me because I forget most of them. I let illustrators do whatever they like. When I did my own illustrations, I let myself do whatever I liked. Besides, why should they listen to me? Even Jill, who is married to me or something, knows better than to pay the least attention to what I say.