May 28, 2016
Post #4279 – 20160528
Dear Mr. Pinkwater,
I like to listen to ABC Piano, so every now and then I hear the announcements you've recorded for that station. Your advert, though, has made me think.
You are now advertising your wonderful books "for as little as $2.99" on Amazon. But that kind of implies "hey, at least they're cheap". I doubt that that's really the message you want to convey.
Wouldn't it be more inticing to say something like "Many of my wonderful books are available on Amazon. They are riveting reads for children and young adults, and they make perfect birthday gifts." That way you're advertising your books as fun reads.
It's just a thought, maybe it can be of use to you.
Kindest regards,
Peter de Frankrijker
The Netherlands.
Daniel replies:
I will explain everything. Well, not everything. I will explain a couple of things. First, I do not know what announcements of mine are going out on ABC Piano as it is heard in the Netherlands. Obviously, if it is my voice, and I say my name, it is something I have recorded in the past few years. The content of ABC Radio, Radio Mozart, Radio Chopin, etc., varies from country to country or region. Here in USA Radio Mozart carries horrible and annoying commercials for all kinds of things you would never buy. Webmaster Ed, who is in Canada, hears just the music, and station identification in French by Nicolas Goyet, the program director and owner, and in English by me, just a kid who always wanted to work with Mozart. I know the occasional advertisements for my books are weak--I've never been good at that sort of thing. The only reason I recorded them was so Nicolas could feel I was receiving something in return for all the station IDs and announcements. You, on the other hand, appear to have a flair for it, so I appoint you my advertising agent in Holland and most of Europe. Do a good job and I will increase your commission.