Robert C

July 25, 2013

Post #3491 – 20130725

Mr. Pinkwater,

You were one of the largest literary influences on me as a child. I think I started with "Fat Men From Space" and eventually went on to Fish Whistle as an adult, but to me your magnum opus was "Alan Mendelsohn, Boy From Mars". Truly a masterpiece. As we speak I am attempting to indoctrinate my very literate young daughter into your wonderful world (starting her on "Fat Men"). Thank you thank you thank you for providing many happy hours of wonderful reading – Lizard Music, Yobgorgle, etc. I actually used to have an email address of Yobgorgle@ that I used to anonymously flirt with my wife before we started dating. As I said you've been a very powerful force in my life. Keep up the good work!

Rob C from Long Island

Daniel replies:

Yobgorgle?  Really?  And she married you?