David G. Hartwell

December 11, 2012

Post #3208 – 20121211

I note that we are the same age, and wish you a belated happy birthday. I have remarried, and have two young children. They are fine. We have just completed bed-time reading of The Cat-Whiskered Girl, and I am asked by the youngest, Elizabeth, who is ten, if there is a fourth book in the works, the one about the Dwergs. I have been reading them nearly your whole oeuvre for the last six years, and we are running low on young adult titles.

Daniel replies:

Hi, David!  There is a book in which there is one single dwerg, BUSHMAN LIVES, but not """"the one about the dwergs.""""  I had in mind a fifth book, but was unable to come to terms with the publisher--so probably not.  I send you belated or anticipatory birthday wishes back.