Josh Spielman

May 17, 2012

Post #2936 – 20120517

In your book, The Artsy Smartsy Club, there's a character named Ivan Itch. He goes by Nick. Am I right? Well, In Dostoyevsky's The House of the Dead, on the second page of the introduction, is a character named Ivan Ivanitch Gvozdikov. Yes. His middle name, or second first name, or his first last name, is Ivanitch. Is this just a coincidence, or was Dostoyevsky copying you?

PS: I think you should really start writing more books faster, because I thoroughly enjoy rereading Borgel every week or so.

PSS: Why is Borgel out of print? It shouldn't be. I think I'll start a petition.

Daniel replies:

I'm going to have to speak to Fyodor about this....again!  Of course he won't listen--he's an idiot and a gambler.  Plagiarism is a crime, but he eludes punishment because he's the house of the dead, you know?  At least he steals from the best.