Daniel replies:
I imagine I granted them permission to use it for a fast buck. I am not proud of this, but it is something one does. I don't have a regular job, you know.
Hello, DP —
Perhaps you know this already, but I was very happy to discover that The Big Orange Splot turns up in a three-part video called The Writing Code, produced in 2007. Here’s the national library catalog record: www.worldcat.org/oclc/225862377. In the third part of the video, students at a one-room schoolhouse in Vermont are shown reading from a book, and the name Plumbean jumped out at me. They’re reading The Big Orange Splot! It’s not the picture book version, but a mostly-text, less-illustrated version in some kind of anthology/textbook.
I imagine I granted them permission to use it for a fast buck. I am not proud of this, but it is something one does. I don't have a regular job, you know.