
April 14, 2010

Post #2596 – 20100414

hello this is mt first time talking to someone who writes a book I have something to ask you please honest I had read something about you that you had this website and people could talk to you. do you think this is safe for kids like how could they know if this was just some ramdom guy but then I dont know, well anyways how long have you been writing books? ive never really have read one of your books and i cant find them and sorry i could not give out my name its kind of for my own safey you understand I would if this was only me and you talking but anyways how old are you whats your faviort book you have writen? sorry I dont sell so well im only in fourth grade going on to 5 please reple your #1 fan

Daniel replies:

You think I'm the author who did Harry Potter, don't you?