Rita Tyner
September 12, 2009
Post #2535 – 20090912
Dear Mr. Pinkwater,
I was saddened to hear on “Weekend Edition, Saturday” of Lulu’s passing. Over the years of listening to you and Mr. Simon share books, I have enjoyed hearing about your family. (I also enjoy it when you visit with the Car Guys!) Besides taking your recommendation of books to share with my classes, I also used many of your books to entice my students to find an author they could enjoy. At the beginning of each school year, I always included AUNT LULU as one of the read alouds. The students would sing out the names of the sled dogs as the story went along. Of course, we had to read it again so they could do so all the way through. It has always been one of my favorite. Were any/all of the dogs patterned after your dog, Lulu?
Thank you for all the terrific stories in books as well as on the radio. Even though I have retired from teaching, I still check out the books you share on “Weekend Edition” as well as any new ones you publish.
Daniel replies:
Thanks for the kind words. Lulu's name came from the book--and we've had sled dogs off and on for 40 years. Lulu's successor, Kee, is a very lovable little shepherd plus something else, (we don't know what). When I can get a picture of her that is not a blur of movement, I will ask webmaster Ed to post it on the site. We miss Lulu very much, but Kee is doing her best to help us get over the loss.