David Lefever
March 27, 2009
Post #2488 – 20090327
A few years ago, when I finally got to retire to maine, I fell upon Blue Moose. Over the years, my wife and I have read the story and admired the illustrations many times. We’re in our 60s, and have never had the chance to share the book with any child. Our daughter is very pregnant even as I write, so I’ll be on ebay looking for another copy of Blue Moose to take to read to the newest family member. Can’t bear to part with ours. Did you ever actually spend any time in Downeast or Northern Maine? You captured the joys (nyuk, nyuk) of Maine winters so well. Thanks for all the joy from such a small book!
Daniel replies:
Oh yes! Mr. Breton was based on a real-life Mr. Breton, a native of Greenville, Maine, who came back to his home town as a fine chef until he remembered why he left in the first place. The moose was real too. There's a recent paperback, Once Upon a Blue Moose, with all the moose stories. You could find one of those hard-bound library editions, or have one done in morocco or moosehide for your daughter.