Adam Selzer

November 2, 2004

Post #1769 – 20041102

I moved to Chicago recently, and thought you’d like to know that your books, _The Education of Robert Nifkin_ in particular, have made a much more exciting guide to exploring my new city than any of the “walking tour” books I picked up at the store, partly because I often get to solve the mystery of whether various places in the books were real places, and, if so, what their real names are/were. For Election Day I made a trip to Washington Square Park, aka Bughouse Sqaure, which I assume was the model for Blueberry Park. People apparently stopped making speeches there regularly in the early sixties, except as part of annual semi-organized debates, but I made a fine speech of my own to the pigeons.


Adam Selzer

Daniel replies:

Did the pigeons boo you? In my day they were a tough audience.