Katrina Neville
March 9, 2003
Post #1617 – 20030309
WHY do the foolish publishers let so many of your books go out of print? I am a new children’s librarian hell-bent on getting your books into my collection with $0 available for paperbacks. So, I would have to buy them in hardcover, but, alas! The titles I seek are no longer available in hardcover. This makes me very mad.
Is there anything we can do?!
Daniel replies:
I am done explaining the publishing industry. One of the sacred precepts of American business, is that stupidity doesn't preclude success. I will say, vis-a-vis children's books, if librarians had been more demanding, and held a higher standard in the past, we'd all be served better now. I am writing more stuff. Meanwhile, there's Captain Underpants.