Penny Kohn

July 11, 2000

Post #1148 – 20000711

Dear Mr. Pinkwater,

Although I am a full-fledged adult, I have only recently discovered you. First I heard you on my local NPR station, which at that time was 91.5, New York. I can’t seem to find your show anywhere in my area any more. I began collecting any of your books which I could find, and my daughters, ages 11 and 14, and my husband , slightly older, all love your way of looking at life. My question: Are you a vegetarian? (I am). Thanks very much.

Daniel replies:

Of course, you don't say in what area you are now. (Check the Chinwag Theater site, linked to this one, which will soon have an updated carriage list). Charity Nebbe is a vegatarian. I am a sympathizer.