Annette Kaye
May 25, 2000
Post #1131 – 20000525
Dear Daniel Pinkwater,
As it turns out, there are other Pinkwaters lurking out there. I for one, am a Pinkwater on my mother’s side of the family. My mom is a Pinkwater, originally from Warsaw, Poland. Who knew we were originally from Virginia? Now I can tell my sons that their ancestors were hanging around with the founding fathers. It may not be the Mayflower, but it’s something.
Actually, I have been told by my mother that your father, Phillip, visited her in the hospital when I was born. I think that was the first and last time she saw him. He brought her a wicker sewing box that she still has. My mom was introduced to quite a few family members when she came to America after WWII, the assumption being she was related because she was a Pinkwasser from Poland. Makes perfect sense to me. She tells me about some “cousins’ club” that I am sure would have supplied you with a plethera of material for your books.
Thank you for the (sort of) official family history page. Our family has enjoyed it.
Annette (Pinkwater) Kaye
Daniel replies:
So interesting! Especially in light of the fact that my father was born in Kingston Jamaica, and was a tall, well-spoken black man who had never been to Warsaw, and had a mortal dread of wicker baskets. There are so many questions we'll never know the answers to--and others we may never ask.