Samantha Lentz
May 9, 2000
Post #1119 – 20000509
Dearest Mr. Pinkwater-
I discovered your wonderful prose when I was in first grade. I was introduced to Devil in the Drain and I have been hooked ever since. I am much older now and get really strange looks from the mothers at my public library because I am always in the teen section looking for a new book under your name. Lizard Music is my favorite book and I celebrate summer by reading it every year. Once when I was on vacation in the Virgin Islands, we passed by a tiny shack of a restaurant called “Chicken Man’s Hut!” I was in shock and thought “I bet Daniel Pinkwater would like to know about that hut”
I was wondering if you plan on making a sequel to Lizard Music and how you came up with the idea for that book. Are you writing any new books!!!! I need your stuff to survive- or atleast to stop the looks from mothers in the library.
Samantha Lentz
Daniel replies:
Soon, ""4 Fantastic Novels,"" will be out from Simon and Schuster, and ""5 Novels,"" has been out for a while. People will still look at you funny, but each book contains a number of novels, and will keep you out of the library for a little while.