Shelagh M Goulis
September 26, 2021
Lizard Music still plays in my mind
Mr. Pinkwater,
I’ve been meaning to write you for 40 years…
As a ten year old, I loved Lizard Music. As a 28 year old, I had the image of the print block lizard tattooed on my ankle. As a 30 year elementary/middle school school teacher, I’ve shared your book countless times. And now, as a 51 year old, I’ve reread the book and shared it with a friend in the Netherlands. Discussing it with a (an?) European of similar age but with cultural differences has been an amazing experience. Dutch television also went off the air in the 1970’s! Walter Cronkite was known internationally. Alas, pizza delivery was not a thing in Holland back then.
So, this isn’t really a question, but just a comment: thank you so much for this book. Now, more than ever, I relate to Victor and his fear of pod people taking over.
Neeble, neeble!
With deep respect,
Daniel replies:
It makes my head spin to read that a book of mine was meaningful to you. Of course, I understand that a work of art isn't finished, doesn't exist, until someone receives it and makes something of it, so the important part of the creative thing is yours. So it is for me to thank you for making my book matter.