Yee, Mr. 1. Dedicatee. WM.|

Yee, Sigmund Fat proprietor of the Balkan Falcon Memorial Laundromat. Alleged Zen Master. DED.|

Yee Chi Poy Chinese math prof. Really Samuel Klugarsh's disguise when he stole an agate idol from Mexico. AM.|

Yeggs, the A rock group popular with Wild Dada Ducks. YAN.|

Yellowtooth A small dull town in the Northern Territory. MP.|

Yellowtooth Library Town library in Yellowtooth. MP.|

yeti Scary denizen of the planet Bugbeard. NFSP.|

Yitzhak Pakistani serving wallah at the Amphibolus. MP.|

Yobgorgle The mystery monster of Lake Ontario. Y.|

Yobgorgle: Mystery Monster of Lake Ontario (1979) By Daniel M.|

Pinkwater. Y.|

Yobs, the A rock group popular with Wild Dada Ducks. YAN.|

Yoga for Six-Year-Olds By Swami Rabinowitz. LG.|

Yoga Made Simple The book Mr. Winkle teaches out of.. AM.|

Yojimbo, Clarence Venusian folksinger. Member of the Order of the|

Laughing Alligator. AM.|

Yojimbo's Japanese English Dictionary The only book Clarence Yojimbo ever wrote. Vital for the study of Hyperstellar Archeology. Written in the late Tokugawa period. AM.|

You are a Pickle By Hodie MacBodhi. Also published as Blong! You are a Pickle! (The Blong-Pickle Master's Guide to Ego Submersion). LG.|

Young Adult Novel 1982. By Daniel Pinkwater. Reprinted in the omnibus Young Adults. YAN.|

Young Adults 1985. By Daniel M. Pinkwater. Contains Young Adult Novel, Dead End Dada, and the first chapter of The Dada Boys in Collitch. YA.|

Your Feet Are Your Head By Brother Jimmy. LG.|

Yubi-waza Sport that Daniel Pinkwater was master of, before "the accident." D!|

Yudis The Bugis' number one kris fighter. Sailor on The Boogeyman, and, eventually, Maggasang Minister of Education. Plays Sudanese flute for the Bogeyman band. Learned English from a retired English plantation owner in Kota Kinabalu. He's no dummy. JJ.|

Yukon 1. Platinum Blazing Yukon Flash. MM. 2. Home of Sergeant Schwartz. MM.|

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