How to write for the Hoboken Chicken Emergencyclopedia.

The emergencyclopedia has a few simple standards for HTML coding that make things easier for everyone. If you plan on submitting definitions, please read these directions carefully.

Submitting definitions:
All submissions should be sent by email to Ian Stoba.

HTML standards:
Each entry follows a standard pattern, and should include the following items, in order.

  • Paragraph mark.
  • Named anchor.
  • Main Entry (in bold)
  • Definition (including any cross references)
  • Publication information
  • The paragraph mark is just a regular HTML paragraph tag to give a blank line between entries.

    The named anchor is an HTML NAME tag that allows cross referenced links to point directly to this one. The convention is that each NAME tag is the full name of the entry all in lower case and all run together. This sometimes leads to some interesting names like NAME="doctorfeldmansbananatonic", still it's easiest in the long run if it is consistent. For personal names, NAME tags should be last name first, with a comma and no space between the last and first names. I don't mean to be overly pedantic about this, but the links will only work if they are exact matches.

    Main entry. This is the term being defined.

    Definition. Hopefully self explanatory.

    Publication information. Each entry ends with a code referring to the book(s) which refer to this term. If the entry is for a book, please also include the year of first publication.

    One more thing:

    When submitting an entry, please indicate if it is a new entry, a correction, or a supplemental entry.

    Any questions? Please have a look at the HTML source for any of the pages, or send me an email.