Nick Mathewson

April 13, 2011

Post #2703 – 20110413

Dear Mr. Pinkwater,

Years ago, I devoured your older childrens’ books with gusto. So far, my own son has only had us read “Beautiful Yetta” to him, but I hope that when he reads, he’ll soon come of an age to enjoy the ones I liked so well. I’ve been re-reading them myself in anticipation, and … well, I’ve gotten hungry.

Is there a place where I can take him get a potato like the Snarkout Boys have on Lower North Aufzoo St? The potatoes that I bake never taste as good as those potatoes are in my imagination.

I accept your word that the world is no more ready for the recipe for Green Death Chili than it is for the secrets of State 26… but do you have a chili recipe that you *are* able to share at this time in human history?

Alternatively (or additionally, if you feel generous!) do you have any recipes that two-year-old’s like?

Many thanks,


p.s. My father bought us all fishwhistles because of you. I hope you’re happy!

Daniel replies:

""The potatoes that I bake never taste as good as those potatoes are in my imagination."" And that is why some of us make art, and all of us need it. I will say no more, other than thanks for your kind words.