rachel molly loonin

February 10, 2010

Post #2582 – 20100210

Our own ganse mishpucha includes a 2, 4, and 6 year old and they are thoroughly enjoying your books. I was a Big Orange Splot fan for many years until I realized only recently that you actually wrote other books. We were reading Sleepover Larry and noticed some similarity in theme to the side of the bus and one of the pages in Big Orange Splot. It brought us back. Keep up your amazing work! Can we be Facebook friends?


straight from da Bronx. Yes, despite living in a particular neighborhood that has a name of a certain cache and people try to use to disassociate with this outer borough, we still live in the heart of the (northwest) Bronx.

Daniel replies:

Of course Jill did the art for Sleepover Larry, and Big Orange Splot had drawings by me. We influence each other a lot. And Jill is a woman of the Bronx, so I have been educated as to who the best people are. See her book, Tails of the Bronx, A Tale of the Bronx. We cannot be facebook friends because I communicate almost entirely by writing books.